Thursday, January 14, 2010

Poetry Booklet

Poetry Project: Due January 29

For your poetry project, you will assemble a booklet of poems. You will compose four poems from the following types: acrostic, haiku, rap, limerick, lyric, and ode.

Each poem must have characteristics of the type of poem you choose to write. For example, if you choose a haiku, it must be three lines with five, seven, and five syllables respectively. Each poem must have a title. Spelling must be correct.

You must have a creative cover sheet with a title for your booklet and a table of contents. You will have the opportunity to type your poems in Mrs. Lawson’s class or you can type them at home. Each poem must be in 12-point font and either Times New Roman or Arial. If you type your poems in computer class, you will fit two poems per sheet printed and use only black ink. If you want colored paper, you must bring your own.

You will have the opportunity to work on writing poems in class and at home. You may work on your cover sheet in my class using limited art supplies.

Grading rubric:

4 poems, 20 points each = 80 points

Cover page/Table of contents =10 points

Neatness/Presentation= 10 points

Total 100 points for a test grade

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