Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Shakespeare Mini Unit

We will begin a mini-unit on character, motivation and Shakespeare, this Thursday Oct 11.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Unit 2 Test Review
1.     A ________________________________ is a person in a story.
2.     ________________________________________ describe how a character looks, acts, and speaks.
3.     A __________________________ is a main character.  You may have more than one.
4.     _________________________ is the protagonist in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
5.     An ___________________________________ is a character in conflict with the main character. 
6.     The ______________________________________ is the antagonist in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
7.     __________________________characters are complex, well-developed, interesting characters.
8.     _______________________________________characters are boring, uninteresting characters.
9.     _______________________________________ characters exist because of their relationship to the main characters.    ________________________________________ are supporting in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
10. _________________________________________ is the method used by a writer to develop a character. The method includes (1) showing the character's appearance, (2) displaying the character's actions, (3) revealing the character's thoughts, (4) letting the character speak, and (5) getting the reactions of others.
11. __________________________________ a.k.a. stereotype, but actually a special kind of flat character who is instantly recognizable to most readers…think prep, jock, nerd, cheerleader, drama queen
12. Lewis Carroll lived in _____________________ during the _________________ era.
13. Queen Victoria was the ___________________ from 1837-1901.
14. Lewis Carroll was his _____________________________, or pen name.  His real name was ____________________________________.
15. Lewis Carroll was educated at ___________________________________.
16. He was an _____________________________________, meaning smart and loved learning, and for work he was not just a writer but also a mathematician photographer, and preacher.
17. He is known for his use of _________________________________________, or new words.
18. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by some some is seen as a _____________________________________, or the use of humor and sarcasm in literature to criticize politics of the day.  Others see it is entertaining or nonsense.
19. Lewis influenced many writers because of his use of _____________________________________ or human-like animals/objects/ideas.
20. After chasing the __________________________, Alice fell down the __________________________________________.
21. She placed ____________________________________ in the cupboard while falling.
22. She also was fond of talking to ____________________.
23. At the bottom, she found a ___________________________ that said ________________________________________.
24. Alice shrunk and nearly drowned in her own _________________________.
25. Alice was passed by a swimming ___________________________.
26. On the shore, Alice met a group of animals. They were led by _____________________________ and a ___________________________.
27. They ran in a _____________________ race, or a political meeting known for not getting anywhere.  They ran in a circle.
28. The ________________________ asked Alice for some _________________ and she gave him some ________________________ or a type of sweet cookie.
29. The _____________________ mistook Alice for _____________________ and he wanted his ______________________ and __________________________.
30. Alice grew ____________________________ at the White Rabbit’s house because she __________________________________________.
31. _______________________ the ___________________________ went down the _______________________ to get Alice out.
32. Alice met a ____________________________ smoking a ____________________________.
33. The Duchess’s baby turns into a ________________________________.
34. Here, Alice meets the __________________________________ cat. He tells her everyone is _____________________________ and it doesn’t matter which __________________ she takes.
35. Alice has _________________ with the ________________________, the _____________________ and the ______________________________.
36. They ask her a riddle: “Why is a _____________________ like a __________________________?”
37. Alice sees _________________________ painting the ____________________ ______________________.
38. Alice plays a game of _______________________, a lawn game, with the ___________________ of ___________________________.
39. She uses ____________________ and _______________________________ instead of balls and mallets.
40. The Queen keeps yelling, “Off with her _______________________.”
41. The ___________________________ gets Alice in trouble at the game.
42. Alice sees the following characters at the game:
43. According to the Duchess, everything has a ________________________, or lesson.
44. Alice meets the __________________________ and the ___________________________________.
45. The two characters speak mostly in ______________________, or plays on words that are spelled and pronounced alike.  Examples of puns:
46. A _____________________ because he _________________ us.
47. Reeling and writhing sounds like ________________________ and ____________________.
48. Lessons because they ______________________________.
49. With a porpoise sounds like _______________________.
50. The characters tell Alice about a lobster _______________________, or a dance
51. At the trial, there was a __________________________, or dishonest man, accused of stealing _____________________________.
52. The Queen says sentence _______________________ verdict _______________________.  But this is _________________________________.
53. A verdict is a __________________________ in ___________________________________.
54. Alice wakes up from her ________________________________ after saying, “You’re nothing but a deck of ________________________.”

Will go over as a group activity…
Characters: In Book, Movie, or Both
55. Walrus and Carpenter
56. Duchess
57. Bill the Lizard
58. Queen of Hearts
59. Cheshire Cat
60. Tweedledee and Tweedledum
61. Mock Turtle
62. Gryphon
63. Hatter
64. March Hare
65. Dodo
66. White Rabbit
There will be a character matching section.
The test will have a:
1.     Fill in blanks
2.     Multiple choice
3.     Matching
4.     Characters: Book, Movie, or Both Section

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Unit Test Wednesday Oct 9
Notebook Test Wednesday Oct 9
Review and Study Guide will be provided in class
The first nine weeks ends Oct 18.

Extra credit and AR points are due Oct 18.

Book Project
The following project will count as extra credit:
o        Choose an AR book and complete a book project.
o        You will need to find and describe the following in the book:
o   Characters--20
o   Parts of a Plot--20
o   Conflict--20
o   Setting (where the story takes place)--20
o   Your Response—what you thought of the book--20
Be Creative…You need to put the following into a booklet form, powerpoint, or create a poster. Draw, use pictures, and make the project as impressive as possible. Use correct spelling, grammar, and complete sentences.
Projects will be due no later than October 17, 2012!!!!