Monday, April 26, 2010

Unit 8 Test Study Guide

1. A __________________________ is a group of related sentences that work together to develop a single idea.
2. A ______________________________ states the main idea of the paragraph and usually appears as the first sentence.
3. ____________________________________ describes a person, place, thing, or experience.
4. ______________________________________ tells a story.
5. _______________________________________ explains or informs by providing facts.
6. ________________________________________ presents an opinion and tries to get their reader to agree with that opinion.
7. A ___________________ is what a piece of writing is about.
8. The __________________________ is a sentence telling the main idea and what a piece of writing is about.
9. _______________________________ are details that appeal to one or more of the five senses.
10. ______________________________ is not giving credit to sources and passing another’s work off as your own.
11. A __________________________________ is a listing of sources that a student used to write a report.
12. A ___________________________________ is the identification of a specific idea or quote taken from a source.
13. A ________________________ quote is where you use the exact words from a specific source.
14. A _________________________quote is where you put someone else’s words into your own words. You must still cite this kind of quote.
15. A ________________________________is the name that MLA gives a bibliography.
16. A ___________________________ is a type of graphic organizer that helps you brainstorm.
17. A ______________________________ is a type of graphic organizer that helps you write a persuasive essay.
18. _________________________________ tells events in the order they naturally happen.
19. What are the 3 parts of a 5 paragraph essay?
20. What is the role of the introduction?
21. What are some examples of reliable sources to cite?
22. What is research?
23. What is the role of an outline?
24. Why do we need to cite sources?
25. A Works Cited page is in __________________ order and is located at the _______________ of a report.
26. Where are page numbers placed in MLA style writing?

Research Report Checklist

Research Report Checklist

1. Should have at least five paragraphs: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
2. A paragraph is three-five complete sentences.
3. Should be 1 ½- 2 pages in length.
4. Should be written in the third-person. (He, she, her, him)
5. Should have correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
6. Use MLA format as discussed in class. Format your heading, page numbers, and works cited page correctly. You may write or type your report. Only use the front of your paper. If you type, double space your lines and use only a black, 12-point, Times New Roman font. Yes, if your font is big, colored, or anything other than Times New Roman, you will lose points.
7. Should have 2 sources, either a book with one author or a website.
Book with one author:
Last name, First name.
Title. City of publication: Publisher, Copyright
Jameson, George.
Ellis Island. New York: Icon Press, 2006.
**You find this information in the copyright page at the front of a book.
Title of website. Organization that sponsors site. Date accessed.
Website URL.
Edgar Allan Poe. Wikipedia. 23 April 2010.
8. Must have one in-text citation either a direct quote or an indirect quote.
Direct quote: Poe was “the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career” (Edgar 1).
Indirect quote: Edgar Allan Poe invented detective and science fiction stories (Edgar 1).

9. For extra credit, you will have the opportunity to read and present your report to the class. For full credit, you must also have a visual such as a picture or poster to accompany your oral reading.

Plagiarism Etymology

English Plagiarism (1615–25), earlier plagiary (1590–1600), derives from Latin plagiārius, "kidnapper", equivalent to plagium, "kidnapping", which contains Latin plaga ("snare", "net"), based on the Indo-European root *-plak, "to weave" (seen for instance in Greek plekein, Latinplectere, both meaning "to weave").

Cited From Wikipedia. :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Book Fair

April 26-30, there will be a Scholastic book fair at our school. This will be a year-end closeout and some books will be buy one get one free. Stock up now for summer reading!

Honor Society Meeting

Wednesday April 28, 2010


Honor Society Banquet

Thursday May 13, 2010

2010-11 Officer Elections

Thursday, April 22, 2010

MLA Heading

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

MLA for Middle School

This PDF will cover all you need to know for your test and for documenting and formatting.

MLA Style Guide Online

Please find a link here to explain MLA documentation. We will discuss formatting your research reports using MLA style.

Thank you students

Thanks to all the students who went on the field trip yesterday. It was a beautiful spring day! I want to give a congratulations to our students on their outstanding behavior. Everyone dressed well and behaved appropriately! Thank you for representing our school!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hamlet 4/20/10

8th grade field trip to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival
Tuesday April 20
Be at WBMS at 7 AM SHARP!
Boys wear pants and a collared shirt.
Girls wear dresses, skirts, or pants.
Thank you!!

Alabama Penman Creative Writing Contest

Congratulations to Meghan Harrison and Chelsea Brewer for representing WBMS in the Alabama Penman Creative Writing Contest. Meghan's essay, The study of symbols in To Kill a Mockingbird, and Chelsea's poem, "Poetry: A Haiku," will be judged from other winners county-wide in grades 7-9!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rubric for Persuasive Essay

20 points--Paragraphs; Are there 4-5 with topic sentences and transitions?
15 points--Were you persuasive and did you take one stance alone?
5 points--Did you include a pro/con T-chart?
10 points--Was your grammar and spelling perfunctory?

TOTAL: 50 points

Rubric for Research Report

Please find a rubric for your research report in your folder.

Here is the rubric:

20 percent--organization, paragraph development, thesis statement, topic sentences, introductory hook
20 percent--must include all drafts, a graphic organizer, and an outline
20 percent--works cited page and MLA documentation
20 percent--writing style, grammar, spelling
20 percent--thoughtfulness, originality, neatness
TOTAL: 100 percent

Monday, April 12, 2010

What do you want to be?

The singer and songwriter Bob Dylan once wrote, “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” Do you agree with this definition of success? Why or why not? Think about what you enjoy doing and what you want to be when you are creating your 4-year plan this week!

Why Word Choice Matters

"The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
~Mark Twain

Monday, April 5, 2010

Academic Advising

Four-year plans will be done in Ms. Anderson's class on April 14. You will be meeting with high school counselors and myself to determine the best course of study for your expectant career/college experience.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Washington Post's Peeps Diorama Contest 2010

Look at the Peeps here! Happy Easter!!!